Career Coaching – Writing Resumes, Cover Letters & LinkedIn Profiles

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpert

Project detail

I am an Author, Job Search Strategist and Career Advisor who assists individuals from all over the world and in a variety of professions in finding their ideal career position. My Services include: • Resume Writing and Editing • Cover Letter Writing and Editing • Updating your LinkedIn profile and teaching you how to make it work for you • Identifying Employers, including Hiring Managers and their Contact Information • Interview Preparation, Practice and Follow Up • Teaching you a Systematic Job Search System which is Easy to do • Job Search Coaching • Assisting with Salary and Benefits Negotiation • Coaching you on the First 90 Days in a new position to ensure long-term success. My clients are successful at finding an ideal position in less time and with less effort. They experience less stress during the job search process and are more confident when networking, interviewing and starting a new job. The feedback I’ve received is that my system and coaching have helped clients advance in their jobs faster than their peers.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project
